Academic Space Usage Tools
Available Rooms
Biology/Physics Building 131
Hartford Times Building 228
Art Building 107
Waterbury Downtown Campus 203
Student Union 428
Roy E. Jones Building 229
Hartford Times Building 208
Susan V. Herbst Hall 112
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 306
Susan V. Herbst Hall 108
Wilfred B. Young Building 132
Andre Schenker Lecture Hall 151
School of Business 106
Waterbury Rectory Building 302
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 501
UConn Stamford Residence Hall B
School of Business 218
School of Business 226
School of Business 122
School of Business 227
School of Business 112
Downtown Stamford 134
Susan V. Herbst Hall 101
School of Business 215
School of Business 202
School of Business 211
Downtown Stamford 138
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 505
Bousfield Psychology Building A106
Augustus Storrs Hall WW01
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 122
Waterbury Downtown Campus 218
Susan V. Herbst Hall 106
Augustus Storrs Hall 011
Charles B. Gentry Building 140
N. L. Wilson Residence Hall A112
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 443
Susan V. Herbst Hall 105
Jaime Homero Arjona Building 105
Charles B. Gentry Building 119E
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 206
Walter Childs Wood Hall 004A
Family Studies Building 202
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 308
Henry R. Monteith Building 104
Willis Nichols Hawley Armory 100
Community Professional Bldg 214
Family Studies Building 216
N. L. Wilson Residence Hall A113
Waterbury Downtown Campus 210
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 111
Philip E. Austin Building 105
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 103
Philip E. Austin Building 445
Susan V. Herbst Hall 110
Pharmacy/Biology Building 131
Waterbury Downtown Campus 201
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 105
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 116
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 302
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 301
Susan V. Herbst Hall 109
Charles B. Gentry Building 430
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 302
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 217
Waterbury Downtown Campus 323
Downtown Stamford 312
Floriculture Greenhouse 101
Merle S. Klinck Building 101
William H. Hall Building 207
Charles B. Gentry Building 101
Willis Nichols Hawley Armory 204
Charles B. Gentry Building 221
Waterbury Downtown Campus 217
Family Studies Building 025
Henry R. Monteith Building 111
Philip E. Austin Building 237
George C. White Building 209
Horsebarn Hill Arena LOBB
Wilfred B. Young Building 100
Philip E. Austin Building 108
Philip E. Austin Building 103
George C. White Building 010
Wilfred B. Young Building 327
Ratcliffe Hicks Bldg and Arena 101
George C. White Building 115
Ratcliffe Hicks Bldg and Arena 001
Wilfred B. Young Building 128
Horsebarn Hill Arena AREN
School of Business 127
Waterbury Downtown Campus 327
Academic Building 106
Hartford Times Building 219
Downtown Stamford 137
Downtown Stamford 108
Augustus Storrs Hall 303
Charles B. Gentry Building 319
Chemistry Building T113
Chemistry Building T114
Chemistry Building T309
Family Studies Building 018
Francis L. Castleman Building 201
Chemistry Building T212
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 452
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 404
Torrey Life Sciences Building 154
Engineering II 321
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 124
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 317
Susan V. Herbst Hall 107
Philip E. Austin Building 344
Susan V. Herbst Hall 401
Chemistry Building T112
Philip E. Austin Building 313
Susan V. Herbst Hall 104
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 108
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 106
Chemistry Building T215
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 111
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 309
Waterbury Downtown Campus 324
Science 1 Research Center G01
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 101
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 302
Susan V. Herbst Hall 111
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 304G
Gant West Building 001
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 447A
Susan V. Herbst Hall 201
Susan V. Herbst Hall 269
Ratcliffe Hicks Bldg and Arena 201
Wilfred B. Young Building 138
Philip E. Austin Building 202
Wilfred B. Young Building 304
Academic Building 211
Downtown Stamford 225
Downtown Stamford 212
Art Building 109
Merlin D. Bishop Center 012
Art Building 102
Art Building 116
Downtown Stamford 226
Art Building 111
Art Building 112
Downtown Stamford 267
Art Building 218
Merlin D. Bishop Center 208
Art Building 113
Art Building 101
Merlin D. Bishop Center 002
Art Building 119
Art Building 117
Art Ceramic Studio 100
Art Building 108
Merlin D. Bishop Center 210
Art Building 115
Art Building 120
Art Building 202
Art Building 106
Downtown Stamford 132
Art Building 222
Susan V. Herbst Hall 267
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 307
Susan V. Herbst Hall 301
Susan V. Herbst Hall 338
Henry R. Monteith Building 113
Susan V. Herbst Hall 268
Henry R. Monteith Building 227
Susan V. Herbst Hall 235
Henry R. Monteith Building 226
Family Studies Building 220
Waterbury Downtown Campus 224
Hartford Times Building 217
Downtown Stamford 139
School of Business 204
Downtown Stamford 129
Hartford Times Building 229
School of Business 203
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 302
School of Social Work 107
School of Social Work 113
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 502
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 402
Hartford Times Building 142
Hartford Times Building 226
Hartford Times Building 146
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 403
Hartford Times Building 138
Torrey Life Sciences Building 303
Waterbury Downtown Campus 326
Waterbury Downtown Campus 309
Academic Building 201
Hartford Times Building 326
Downtown Stamford 234
Downtown Stamford 205
Downtown Stamford 208
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 102
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 118
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 120
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 119
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 150
Waterbury Downtown Campus 333
Academic Building 308
Hartford Times Building 145
Hartford Times Building 325
Downtown Stamford 239
Gant West Building 002
Torrey Life Sciences Building 171
Torrey Life Sciences Building 091
Torrey Life Sciences Building 301
Torrey Life Sciences Building 309
Biology/Physics Building 130
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 212
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 175
Arthur B. Bronwell Building 215
Engineering II 202
Info Tech Engineering Building 125
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 110
Downtown Stamford 242
School of Business 214
Chemistry Building A120
Bousfield Psychology Building A105
Henry R. Monteith Building 320
Info Tech Engineering Building 127
Info Tech Engineering Building 336
Susan V. Herbst Hall 340
Philip E. Austin Building 102
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 205
Community Professional Bldg 210
School of Social Work 101
Downtown Stamford 215
Chemistry Building A203
Francis L. Castleman Building 106
Francis L. Castleman Building 212
Francis L. Castleman Building 117
Francis L. Castleman Building 210
Charles B. Gentry Building 201
Francis L. Castleman Building 205
Francis L. Castleman Building 204
Charles B. Gentry Building 131
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 305
Engineering II 114
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 269
Charles B. Gentry Building 103
Engineering II 322
Chemistry Building T313
Chemistry Building T213
Chemistry Building T312
Chemistry Building T201
Waterbury Downtown Campus 301
Augustus Storrs Hall WW16
Hartford Times Building 321
Hartford Times Building 323
Downtown Stamford 257
Downtown Stamford 238
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 201
Downtown Stamford 245
Downtown Stamford 243
Chemistry Building T108
Chemistry Building T109
Chemistry Building T110
Chemistry Building T111
Chemistry Building T208
Chemistry Building T209
Chemistry Building T210
Academic Building 204
Downtown Stamford A2
Chemistry Building T211
Chemistry Building T308
Chemistry Building T314
Downtown Stamford 240
Chemistry Building T315
Chemistry Building T414
Chemistry Building T409
Chemistry Building A304
Downtown Stamford 3117
Susan V. Herbst Hall 441
Homer Babbidge Library 2153
Charles B. Gentry Building 225
Susan V. Herbst Hall 308
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 202
Henry R. Monteith Building 314
Philip E. Austin Building 164
Benjamin Franklin Koons Hall 201
William H. Hall Building 104
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 107
Academic Building 208
Hartford Times Building 212
Downtown Stamford 305
UConn Stamford Residence Hall A
Henry R. Monteith Building 414
Downtown Stamford 258
Downtown Stamford 218
Downtown Stamford 135
Philip E. Austin Building 163
Jaime Homero Arjona Building 143
Henry R. Monteith Building 110
Susan V. Herbst Hall 239
Waterbury Rectory Building 202
Downtown Stamford 233
Downtown Stamford 237
Jaime Homero Arjona Building 225
Jaime Homero Arjona Building 205
Engineering II 306
Info Tech Engineering Building C27
Engineering II 305
Info Tech Engineering Building C13
Info Tech Engineering Building 134
Waterbury Downtown Campus 225
Academic Building 314
Hartford Times Building 223
Downtown Stamford 305F
Downtown Stamford 305G
Info Tech Engineering Building 138
Info Tech Engineering Building C80
Info Tech Engineering Building C31
Info Tech Engineering Building 119
Downtown Stamford 317A
Art Building 228
Merlin D. Bishop Center 007
Merlin D. Bishop Center 146
Downtown Stamford 224
Merlin D. Bishop Center 005
Merlin D. Bishop Center 006
Merlin D. Bishop Center 136
Downtown Stamford 256
Downtown Stamford 255
Drama-Music Building 219A
Merlin D. Bishop Center 133
Merlin D. Bishop Center 138
Merlin D. Bishop Center 139
Merlin D. Bishop Center 247
Downtown Stamford 130D
Merlin D. Bishop Center 135
Hartford Times Building 227
Drama-Music Building 128
Drama-Music Building 109
Nafe Ketter Theatre K205
Drama-Music Building 228
Drama-Music Building 105
Drama-Music Building 101
Drama-Music Building 103
Drama-Music Building 219B
Thomson Hall - Depot Campus 143
Drama-Music Building 269
Nafe Ketter Theatre K203
Nafe Ketter Theatre K116
Nafe Ketter Theatre K117
Drama-Music Building 227
Info Tech Engineering Building C30
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 109
Philip E. Austin Building 434
Charles B. Gentry Building 203
Info Tech Engineering Building C33
Info Tech Engineering Building C25
Info Tech Engineering Building C43
Info Tech Engineering Building 313
Info Tech Engineering Building 413
Info Tech Engineering Building 401
Susan V. Herbst Hall 117
Downtown Stamford 229
Lawrence D. McHugh Hall 202
Hartford Times Building 210
Academic Building 206
Family Studies Building 103
Academic Building 304
Susan V. Herbst Hall 337
Downtown Stamford 107
Zachs Family Fine Arts Bldg 103
Charles B. Gentry Building 246
Charles B. Gentry Building 425
Charles B. Gentry Building 436
Charles B. Gentry Building 232
Henry R. Monteith Building 421
Music Building 109
Charles B. Gentry Building 140C
Community Professional Bldg 302
Hartford Times Building 220
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 132
Academic Building 207
Torrey Life Sciences Building 311
Hartford Times Building 318
Torrey Life Sciences Building 477
Torrey Life Sciences Building 181
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 330
Torrey Life Sciences Building 371
Gant West Building 416
Torrey Life Sciences Building 313
Torrey Life Sciences Building 171B
Pharmacy/Biology Building 303
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 320
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 602
Philip E. Austin Building 247
Augustus Storrs Hall 117
Philip E. Austin Building 246
Floriculture Greenhouse 107
Downtown Stamford 216
Philip E. Austin Building 245
Lafayette Residence Hall 110
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 318
Academic Building 109
Downtown Stamford 222
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 131
Academic Building 301
Philip E. Austin Building 162
Philip E. Austin Building 216
Hartford Times Building 214
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 180
Engineering II 323
Francis L. Castleman Building 112
Philip E. Austin Building 110
Werth Tower Residence Hall 112
Charles B. Gentry Building 142
Rowe Ctr for Undergraduate Edu 234
Charles B. Gentry Building 325
Henry R. Monteith Building 321
Hartford Times Building 508
Gordon W. Tasker Adm Bldg 012
Waterbury Rectory Building 303
Downtown Stamford 133
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 137
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 139
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 128
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 233
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 141
Waterbury Rectory Building 204
Hartford Times Building 317
School of Business 332
Downtown Stamford 131
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 604
School of Business 463
Philip E. Austin Building 446
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 104
Philip E. Austin Building 439
Philip E. Austin Building 420
Academic Building 303
Augustus Storrs Hall 118
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 605
Hartford Times Building 147
Waterbury Rectory Building 304
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 405
Human Development Center 105
Waterbury Rectory Building 203
Human Development Center 145
Family Studies Building 102
Family Studies Building 120
Family Studies Building 111
Henry R. Monteith Building 112
Pharmacy/Biology Building 129
Henry R. Monteith Building 225
Academic Building 311
Homer Babbidge Library 4209
Walter Childs Wood Hall 004B
Henry R. Monteith Building 420
Dodd Center for Human Rights 162
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 306
Susan V. Herbst Hall 472
Susan V. Herbst Hall 473
Downtown Stamford 3.114
Susan V. Herbst Hall 439
Academic Building 309
Kinesiology Building 108
Harry A. Gampel Pavilion 133
Harry A. Gampel Pavilion 193
Wilfred B. Young Building LAR1
Wilfred B. Young Building LASR
Wilfred B. Young Building LAR2
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library 518
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library 202
William F. Starr Hall 225
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library 422
Knight Hall 115
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library 248A
Knight Hall 215
Cheryl A. Chase Hall 210
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library 248B
William F. Starr Hall 204
Cheryl A. Chase Hall 110
William F. Starr Hall 108
William F. Starr Hall 007
Downtown Stamford 259
Susan V. Herbst Hall 371
Student Union 438
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 122
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 105
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 123
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 107
Lowell P. Weicker Jr. Building 124
Henry R. Monteith Building 419
Henry R. Monteith Building 319
Atwater Laboratory A001
Torrey Life Sciences Building 265
Gant West Building 101
Gant West Building 102
Gant West Building 103
Hartford Times Building 209
Gant West Building 009
Gant West Building 010
Gant West Building 012
Torrey Life Sciences Building 203
Gant West Building 104
Torrey Life Sciences Building 207
Torrey Life Sciences Building 263
Torrey Life Sciences Building 411
Gant West Building 022
Biology/Physics Building 201
Torrey Life Sciences Building 417
Torrey Life Sciences Building 253
Torrey Life Sciences Building 406
Francis L. Castleman Building 128
Engineering II 108D
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 476
Pratt and Whitney Engr Bldg 451
William H. Hall Building 314
School of Business 324
Science 1 Research Center G07
Music Building 107
Music Building 122
von der Mehden Recital Hall AUD
Music Building 102
Music Building 108
Drama-Music Building 212
Music Building 229
Wilfred B. Young Building 336
Wilfred B. Young Building 231
Innovation Partnership Bldg 317
Augustus Storrs Hall 114
Augustus Storrs Hall 314
Roy E. Jones Building 219
J. Ray Ryan Building 204
Roy E. Jones Building 137
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 601
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 407
School of Business 301
Chemistry Building T413
Atwater Laboratory A002
Pharmacy/Biology Building 338
Pharmacy/Biology Building 627
Pharmacy/Biology Building 229
Harry Grant Manchester Hall 227
Pharmacy/Biology Building 427
Pharmacy/Biology Building 230
Pharmacy/Biology Building 334
Gant South Building 320
Waterbury Downtown Campus 316
Academic Building 205
Hartford Times Building 320
Gant South Building 321
Downtown Stamford 236
Gant South Building 219
Gant South Building 220
Gant South Building 221
Gant Plaza 104
Gant Plaza 113
Gant Plaza 110
Gant Plaza 107
Gant Plaza 116
Gant South Building 119
Gant South Building 319
Gant South Building 317
Agricultural Biotechnology Lab 137
Wilfred B. Young Building 103
Torrey Life Sciences Building 111
Gant West Building 004
Gant West Building 005
Gant West Building 003
Gant South Building 030
Torrey Life Sciences Building 475
Torrey Life Sciences Building 007
Torrey Life Sciences Building 013
Torrey Life Sciences Building 153
Downtown Stamford 305A
Science 1 Research Center 1002
School of Social Work 104
Jaime Homero Arjona Building 139
Susan V. Herbst Hall 438
Susan V. Herbst Hall 205
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 307
Bousfield Psychology Building A007
Bousfield Psychology Building 190C
Bousfield Psychology Building 160
Bousfield Psychology Building 109
Bousfield Psychology Building 162
Bousfield Psychology Building A101A
Bousfield Psychology Building 161
Bousfield Psychology Building 254
Bousfield Psychology Building A306
Bousfield Psychology Building 135
Bousfield Psychology Building 378A
Bousfield Psychology Building A214
Human Development Center 146
Human Development Center 147
D. C. Phillips Com Sci Bldg 107
D. C. Phillips Com Sci Bldg 211
Harry Grant Manchester Hall 125
Charles Lewis Beach Hall 425
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 303
Graduate Business Learning Ctr 504
School of Social Work 229
Philip E. Austin Building 340
John Buckley Residence Hall 119
Hartford Times Building MZ16
Student Union 421G
Werth Tower Residence Hall 118
Werth Tower Residence Hall 116
Ctr International Scholars 202A
Waterbury Rectory Building 402
Downtown Stamford 209
Werth Tower Residence Hall 010
Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre 013
Werth Tower Residence Hall 011
Werth Tower Residence Hall 013
McMahon Hall 171
J. Ray Ryan Building 251
Werth Tower Residence Hall 012
Werth Tower Residence Hall 115
Werth Tower Residence Hall 117
School of Business 321
Waterbury Downtown Campus 204
Werth Tower Residence Hall 014
School of Business 391